Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Day 6 Cave course

I've just been and had a couple of beers with Jokka my ne Finnish mate, hes over here on the same course so its nice to have a drink with someone whos doing the same thing.

So what have we been doing today you ask? Well today my friends we have been out diving caves! Last night I was ready to quit and give up diving forever, but I had a long think and I woke up this morning in a slightly more positive mood, I wasnt going to let this beat me, I no I can dive reasonably well and its only a case of trying a bit harder so thats what I needed to do. I had also come to the decision that if today didnt go well then I was only going to try to finish intro to cave, this doesnt sound much but is everything on the full cave course except the complex navigation and refining techniques, I can come back and finish it later in the year or early next year.

I had a chat with Nando and Jason and explained how I was feeling, you have to be very honest at this level of diving, and they were great and very encouraging. We got kitted up and into the water at Ponderosa again, the first dive went well and I was pleasantly pleased. Even Nando seemed to think I was doing better.

Dive 2 was good as well, a few small problems but mainly OK. Unfortunately Nando wasnt feeling too good so we had to cut the day shorter, but I was feeling a lot more positive, maybe I can do it after all :)

Had a nice chat with Steve Martin, an instructor back home who has also done all of this and he cheered me up a bit more, then spoke to Sally and then got hold of Mandy who had been to see Spamalot with Hannah, it was my birthday present so I was feeling a bit guilty as Mandy didnt think it would be her thing, but they had excellent seats and thoroughly enjoyed it and she even said she'd go again with me when I get home :)

So just been to Pan Express and got myself a nice Ham and Cheese Croissant and a bun for my tea and now going to watch a film then early night, hopefully Bennett wont ring at 02.17 again!!
Night Night All.

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